Green Banded Broodsac
Leucochloridium paradoxum

Interesting Facts pl. n.-intriguing pieces of information
The parasite turns the snail into a zombie and forces it to do what it wants.​
The parasite infects the snail's digestive system first.
The sporocysts reinfect the eyestalks after they grow back.
The parasite has no impact on humans at all and an extremely low role in the environment.
The more sunlight the sporocysts are exposed to, the faster they pulse.
The only stage of the life cycle outside the hosts is when the parasite is an egg, but it must be somewhere warm and moist.
The parasite can only multiply within the stomachs of birds.
The parasite can only infect Amber snails.
The snails infected with the parasite often live longer than the ones that are not.
There is another snail zombie parasite native to Europe.
The snail has to eat bird excrement to be infected with the parasite.
The bird is not affected while it is infected with the parasite.
This parasite lives where the snails do, which is in forest biomes or agricultural areas.